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類別 1700 五同好
節目名稱 Find Your Voice
星期 星期四
時段 17:00
主持人 阿椽、小玟

你,身為少數族群常常不敢說話嗎?你,也曾經被貼上標籤嗎?來到 Find your voice 大聲說出自己的想法,每個族群都能分享與我們不同的生命經驗外,也能對刻板印象大力反駁,讓你們都有機會深入了解不同人的主張和立場。

Do you, as a minority, often dare not speak out? Have you ever been labeled? Welcome to the program “Find your voice” and speak your thoughts out loud. Not only can each ethnic group share life experiences that are different from our own, but they can also vigorously refute stereotypes. This program will give the audience the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the opinions and positions of different people.

集數 0926_鬼家人:同志婚姻合法化 1017_徘徊年代:新住民甘苦談 1024_哈勇家:原住民文化的保存 1107_絕世網紅:那些網紅的小秘密 1114_體保生:轉個彎我會去哪呢?
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