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類別 1405 輕鬆玩主題
節目名稱 杜芬疏失的搞笑企業
Haha Nobel
星期 星期一
時段 14:05
主持人 杜芬疏失學士、飛鴿、凱蒂獅、太銳利、大小佛


Let's invent something cool and new with Haha Nobel! In this show, we will introduce the inventions that have changed our lives and help every audiences to understand the history and evolution of the inventions. We will also introduce the great inventors who created the great things, and tell some short stories about their inventions. At the end of the show, the company's employees will propose their creepy inventions.Hope you enjoy our show and create something new with us!

集數 0114_1 0114_2 0114_3
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