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類別 1910 七風蛋糕
節目名稱 Planet5118208
星期 星期五
時段 19:10
主持人 Wen、Robin


The enigmatic scholars Robin and Wen, dedicated to studying the societal pulse on a daily basis, receive a directive from their superiors one day. In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past on the new celestial body, the mysterious scholars are tasked with in-depth investigation and analysis to explore the societal issues Earth once faced. To comprehensively outline the mission of understanding the causes and consequences leading to Earth's demise, these scholars use dust-covered capsules containing theatrical elements to establish connections between the past and the present, drawing lessons from history.

集數 0519_1 0519_2 0519_3 0519_4 0519_6 0519_7 0519_8 0519_9 0519_10 0519_11 0519_12 0519_13 0519_14
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