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類別 1800 6在你身邊
節目名稱 普通到不普通的人生
Extraordinary Ordinary Life
星期 星期一
時段 18:00
主持人 多莉


Who defines ordinary? All the changes we go through in life are meant to make us better, right? After all, we only have so long to live, so it's only right that we should see the "extraordinary" in ourselves! Join me at 6pm to hear the stories of people who have gone from ⟪Extraordinary Ordinary Life⟫!

集數 0923_追星_1 0930_大學生活_2 1007_學業_3 1014_外貌_4 1021_動漫_5 1028_高中社團生活_6 1104_愛情_7 1111_音樂_8 1118_友情_9 1125_疾病_10 1202_親情_11 1209_信仰_12 1216_告別_13
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