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類別 1800 6在你身邊
節目名稱 勾起你心中的惡
Hook the devil inside of your heart
星期 星期三
時段 18:00
主持人 網軍魚、側翼丞


There are countless stars and online celebrities on the Internet. Under the glamorous appearance of these famous people, there are actually many unknown secrets and controversies. Evoking the evil in your heart will lead the audience to uncover the truth hidden in the hearts of online celebrities that they are most unwilling to open and face.

集數 1009_勾起網軍魚、側翼丞心中的惡_3 0925_老高與小茉_1 1016_反骨男孩_4 1023_Joeman_5 1030_萬聖節聊聊小玉吧_6 1106_bang !你也是聖粉嗎?_7 1113_大家都愛鍾明軒_8 1120_最欠勾的愛莉莎莎
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